I was born and raised in Wales to Jamaican parents. It was actually only as adult that I discovered Wale’s stunning landscapes for myself. In the summer of 2023 I took myself off on a solo journey around the country , determined to learn how it is that I would express its landscapes in my own way. What resulted was this sort of palaeolithic art, in that it did feel like I was emerging from a cave and just painting what I saw, spontaneously, using whatever tools (paints) were to hand . It was a fun experience.

The resulting landscapes are to be exhibited at the FOUND Gallery in the beautiful Welsh town of Brecon this summer (2024) , as part of their group show ‘ contemporary Welsh landscapes’. I am truly honoured to be included in the work that this wonderful gallery represents. All the pieces will exclusively be for sale , in person at the gallery or worldwide via their website. I look forward to sharing the pieces with the visitors and patrons at the gallery. If you would like to be notified when the exhibition goes live keep an eye on my news page closer to the date.

All images are copyright Josie D’Arby. Please do not copy, share, distribute or take images from this sight without permission as it is unlawful to do so. If you would like to share an image please request permission via Paula


Here’s a quick behind the scenes video of some of the adventure that I had.